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Editorial staff is never asked to skew coverage based on advertising, nor does AppleInsider accept payment or gifts of any sort for news item placement. AppleInsider takes no money from Apple, or any other venue, to slant coverage of a topic.

Our writers have been given wide latitude to write about technology topics. Anything not explicitly marked as advertising or as a "sponsored post" is content selected by our editors for coverage, solely because they found it interesting and noteworthy.

Any sponsored content will be clearly labeled as such. 

While some review products are generally loaned to us for review, we do periodically buy products for review. Review units provided to AppleInsider by third parties with the explicit agreement that vendors do not get a say on editorial opinion, nor do they get a "first look" at review text or topics prior to publication. If, through research and/or use, a product either purchased at retail or provided by a vendor proves to be of benefit to the end-user — or of little benefit — editorial staff will say so. Learn about how we test products.

Any commissions received as a result of AppleInsider's efforts do not impact opinions on a product, nor is the compensation of the editorial staff based on the performance of a review, score of a review, or how many affiliate sales that it generates. Additionally, AppleInsider does not accept pitches for sponsored reviews of a product. 

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Posts on, including our Apple deals coverage and the Price Guides, may include affiliate links, meaning AppleInsider may earn commission on purchases made through those links. Any commissions received as a result of AppleInsider's promotional efforts will not impact opinions on a product. Affiliate referrals may utilize cookies, which are subject to the privacy policy of the corresponding merchant and/or affiliate network.

Are the Deals on Legitimate?

AppleInsider's Deals Team works with reputable merchants to bring you exclusive offers on authentic Mac computers, software and more.

Merchants you can regularly find in our Price Guide include B&H Photo, Adorama, Amazon and Best Buy. All four retailers are Apple Authorized Resellers.


Adorama has been in business since 1974, having started as a camera shop in New York City. Having shipped hundreds of thousands of orders to satisfied customers, Adorama offers exclusive savings to AppleInsider readers via promo code APINSIDER.

B&H Photo

B&H, another fixture in the Price Guides, has been in business since 1973 and is also based in New York City. The company has a variety of customer support options, from live chat to a toll-free phone number. Shoppers can also book a virtual session with an expert for a visual demonstration of the latest gear and to get product recommendations for a specific project or event.


Based in Venice, California, StackCommerce (also known as StackSocial) works with vendors to offer substantial discounts on software, tech courses and refurbished computers.

StackCommerce regularly offers aggressive deals on Microsoft Office products, as well as language learning subscriptions and photo editing tools.


If you have any feedback related to a merchant or sale featured on, we welcome comments and suggestions. Feel free to reach out to our Deals Group.

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